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    GENNAIO 2023 - VOLUME 18, ISSUE 1

    • EDITORIALE- The Risk of Breastfeeding on a Plant-Based Diet

    • Clinical research- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Breastfeeding Continuation Among U.S. Hispanic Mothers: Identification of Mechanisms

    • Clinical Research- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Human Milk Composition, and Infant Growth

    • clinical research- Comparison of Aromatherapy with Citrus aurantium and Lavender on Sexual Satisfaction in Breastfeeding Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

    • Clinical research- Comparing the Efficacy of Breast Milk and Coconut Oil on Nipple Fissure and Breast Pain Intensity in Primiparous Mothers: A Single-Blind Clinical Trial

    • clinical research- Prevalence and Predictors of Low Breast Milk Iodine Concentration in Women Following Vegan, Vegetarian, and Omnivore Diets

    • clinical Research- The Prevalence of Nonserious Events in a Cohort of Breastfed Infants

    • Clinical research- Interruption of Breastfeeding, Relactation, Relactation Awareness, and Related Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study

    • Clinical research- Association Between Breastfeeding and Reduced Distal Sensory Polyneuropathy in Postmenopausal Women Aged 40–70 Years: Analysis of Data from the 1999–2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

    • Clinical research- The Practice of Breastfeeding in Public and its Associated Factors Among Egyptian Mothers

    • Case Report -Transfer of Injected Triamcinolone into Human Milk of a Lactating Patient Suffering from Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis

    • President's Column - Breastfeeding in the Village

    • Acknowledgment -Acknowledgment of Reviewers 2022

    • Correction Open Access Correction to: Nursing Mothers' Experiences of Musculoskeletal Pain Attributed to Poor Posture During Breastfeeding: A Mixed Methods Study, by Aburub et al. Breastfeed Med 2022;17(11):926–931. DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2022.0105

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    FEBBRAIO 2023- VOLUME 18

    • editoriale- Cultural Variations in the Care and Support of Breastfeeding

    • ABM Parent Handout - Bedsharing and Breastfeeding

    • The Risk of Breakthrough Bleeding Justifies the Use of Combined Hormonal Contraception Over Progesterone-Only Pills While Breastfeeding

    • Review-A Systematic Review of the Correlation Between Marital Relationship and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy, and Duration of Breastfeeding

    • review- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Interventions to Improve Breastfeeding Rates at Discharge Among Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    • review- Education and Experiences of Antenatal Breast Milk Expression: A Systematic Review

    • Clinical Research -Association of Primary Language with Provision of Mother's Milk Among Very-Low-Birthweight Infants in Massachusetts

    • Clinical Research-Prepregnancy Obesity and Breastfeeding in the First Month of Life: A Birth Cohort

    • Clinical Research- Impact of Postoperative Pain on Early Initiation of Breastfeeding and Ambulation After Cesarean Section: A Randomized Trial

    • Clinical Research-Policies and Practices in a Cohort of Mississippi Birthing Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • Clinical Research-Understanding Mothers' Experiences of Being Ineligible to Donate Their Milk to a Not-for-Profit Milk Bank

    • President's Corner -Moral Codes, Physiologic Feeding, and Bottles and Breast Pumps

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    MARZO 2023 - VOLUME 18

    • Editorial -The Impact of Formula Marketing on Breastfeeding Support: “There Are No Free Lunches”

    • Comparison and Efficacy of Breast Pump Cleaning Techniques for Bioburden Reduction

    • Providing Lactation Care Following Stillbirth, Neonatal and Infant Death: Learning from Bereaved Parents

    • ABM Clinical Protocol #37: Physiological Infant Care—Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding in Young Infants

    • LactMed® Update-New Information on Antivirals and Breastfeeding

    • Reviews -The Benefits of Breastfeeding on Child Intelligence, Behavior, and Executive Function: A Review of Recent Evidence

    • Review: The Volume of Breast Milk Intake in Infants and Young Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    • Review- Investigating the Effect of Supportive Interventions on Initiation of Breastfeeding, Exclusive Breastfeeding, and Continuation of Breastfeeding in Adolescent Mothers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    • Clinical Research -The Association Between Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences and Marijuana Use During Lactation

    • Clinical Research Pediatricians' Reports of Interaction with Infant Formula Companies

    • Clinical Research- Effect of Tea Tree Oil and Coconut Oil on Nipple Crack Formation in the Early Postpartum Period

    • Clinical Research-Nifty Cup Versus Katori-Spoon Feeding in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial

    • Correspondence- Re: “The Association of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Breastfeeding Rates: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” by Youseflu et al.

    • Brief Report-Breastfeeding in Mothers with Multiple Sclerosis: The German Experience

    • Response to Mitter et al. re: “The Association of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Breastfeeding Rates: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”

    • President's Corner - Health Care: Learning How Important Our Work Is… The Hard Way

    • Perspective - The Breast: Premalignant Organ or Functional Gland?

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    APRILE 2023 - VOLUME 18

    • Editorial-Breastfeeding and the Bereaved Parent

    • Clinical Research - Providing Lactation Care Following Stillbirth, Neonatal and Infant Death: Learning from Bereaved Parents

    • Clinical Research- Postpasteurization Testing of Human Milk Sterility at Human Milk Banks in Resource-Limited Settings: An Alternative to Standard Microbiological Quality Testing

    • Clinical Research- Effects of Infant Driven Feeding Program on Provision of Breast Milk in Very Low Birth Weight Infants

    • Clinical Research- Exclusive Human Milk Diet for Extremely Premature Infants: A Novel Fortification Strategy That Enhances the Bioactive Properties of Fresh, Frozen, and Pasteurized Milk Specimens

    • Clinical research- The Association of the Inflammatory Index of the Maternal Diet with the Type of Delivery, Maternal Nutritional Status, and the Lipid Profile of Human Milk

    • Clinical Research- Comparative Growth Outcomes in Preterm Infants Fed Either Mother's Own Milk or Donor Human Milk

    • Clinical Research-Self-Efficacy and Outcomes in Women with Diabetes: A Prospective Comparative Study

    • clinical research- Patterns of Breastfeeding and Human Milk Feeding in Infants with Single-Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease: A Population Study of the National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative Registry

    • Clinical research- Lactation Experiences of Black Mothers Who Breastfed a Child Beyond Age One

    • President's Corne- Special Interest Groups for Physicians in Breastfeeding Medicine

    • Correction to: Examining the Baby Café Model and Mothers' Breastfeeding Duration, Meeting of Goals, and Exclusivity, by Jenkins et al. Breastfeed Med 2020;15(5):331–334. DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2019.0179

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    MAGGIO 2023 - VOLUME 18

    • Editorial -Breastfeeding, Complementary Food, and the Risk of Stunting

    • Clinical Research -Comparison and Efficacy of Breast Pump Cleaning Techniques for Bioburden Reduction

    • CLINICAL RESEARCH-Breastfeeding Decision-Making Among Mothers with Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Study

    • CLINICAL RESEARCH- Exploring the Breastfeeding Desires and Decision-Making of Women Living with HIV in the Netherlands: Implications for Perinatal HIV Management in Developed Countries

    • CLINICAL RESEARCH- The Use of a Medical Center-Based Outpatient Breastfeeding Support Program with Telelactation to Provide Ongoing Breastfeeding Support to a Diverse Patient Population

    • Clinical Research- Pooling Strategies to Modify Macronutrient Content of Pasteurized Donor Human Milk

    • Clinical Research- “I Pumped That Milk Off My Breast and Dumped It in Trash”: Breastfeeding Experiences of Mothers Working in Hospital Radiation Settings—A Qualitative Study

    • Perspective - The “Breastfeeding Paradox” as a Guide for the Assessment of Premature Infants Growth: It Is More Than Just Weigh-Ins

    • Case Reports -Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex: Report of Two Cases and Postulated Mechanisms and Treatment

    • Case Report- Persistence of Oxaliplatin Transfer into Human Milk: A Case Report

    • Correspondence - Re: “The Risk of Breakthrough Bleeding Justifies the Use of Combined Hormonal Contraception Over Progesterone-Only Pills While Breastfeeding” by Segev et al: Combined Hormonal Contraception During Lactation Is Not Without Risk a

    • corrispondence: “Education and Experiences of Antenatal Breast Milk Expression: A Systematic Review” by Sobik et al.

    • corrispondence: Response to Spatz and Juntereal re: “Education and Experiences of Antenatal Breast Milk Expression: A Systematic Review”

    • President's Corner - Updates from the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

    • Correction to: Education and Experiences of Antenatal Breast Milk Expression: A Systematic Review by Sobik et al. Breastfeed Med 2023;18(2):107–115; doi: 10.1089/bfm.2022.0225

    • Abstracts - 8th ABM/EABM European Regional Conference May 11–13, 2023 Split, Croatia

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    GIUGNO 2023- VOLUME 18

    • editoriale-Guest Editoriale- Breastfeeding Success or Failure: It Is Time to Align Public Health Recommendations with Strong Clinical Support Systems

    • LactMed® Update - Opioid Use Disorder During Breastfeeding

    • Reviews - The Impact of the Human Milk Microbiota in the Prevention of Disease and Infant Health

    • review- Co-Parenting Impact on Breastfeeding: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    • Clinical Research - The Association of Maternal Smoking and Drinking Changes During Pregnancy and Postpartum Breastfeeding Pattern and Duration

    • Clinical Research-The Relationship of Preterm, Term, and Post-Term Births to Maternal Stress and Human Milk Cortisol Levels

    • clinical research-Mixed Feedings and Necrotizing Enterocolitis: The Proportion of Human Milk Matters

    • Clinical Research-The Association of Pre-Pregnancy Obesity and Breast Milk Fatty Acids Composition and the Relationship of Postpartum Maternal Diet, Breast Milk Fatty Acids and Infant Growth

    • clinical Research-Skin to Skin Contact Correlated with Improved Production and Consumption of Mother's Own Milk

    • Case Reports -Transfer of Mexiletine into Breast Milk: A Case Report

    • case report- Nipple Vasospasm of Nursing Mothers

    • Commentary - Re: “Education and Experiences of Antenatal Breast Milk Expression: A Systematic Review” by Sobik et al.

    • President's Column -Breastfeeding Medicine Across the Globe

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    LUGLIO 2023- VOLUME 18

    • Announcement- Rosalind Franklin Society Proudly Announces the 2022 Award Recipient for Breastfeeding Medicine

    • Editorial - Individualized Breastfeeding Guidance for Mothers

    • Clinical Research -The Utilization of Sodium Concentration in Human Milk from Pump-Dependent Mothers of Preterm Infants as a Measure of Milk Production

    • CLINICAL RESEARCH: Breastfeeding and Bonding: A Surprising Role of Breastfeeding Difficulties

    • Clinical Research: The Effect of Skin-to-Skin Contact on Placental Separation Time and Initiation of Breastfeeding

    • Clinical Research- Ankyloglossia in Monochorionic Diamniotic and Dichorionic Diamniotic Twins: A Cross-Sectional Study

    • Clinical Research-The Effects of Refrigerated Storage of Donor Human Milk with Limited Bacterial Presence After Holder Pasteurization on Nutrient Concentration and Bacterial Growth

    • Clinical Research-The Protective Effect of Breastfeeding on Dental Fluorosis Among Children in Rural Fluoride-Endemic Areas

    • Brief Report: High-Temperature Pasteurization Used at Donor Breast Milk Banks Reduces Melatonin Levels in Breast Milk

    • Commentary- How Dermatologists Can Support Breastfeeding Mothers: And Why They Should

    • Case Report -The Transfer of Domperidone into Human Milk Remains Low at High Doses

    • President's Corner - Doing Away with “Shoulds” and Asking Curious Questions

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    AGOSTO 2023 - VOLUME 18

    • Editorial - Breastfeeding and Infant Mortality

    • ABM Mastitis Handout -Mastitis in Breastfeeding Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

    • Review - Promotion, Protection, and Support of Breastfeeding as a Human Right: A Narrative Review

    • Clinical Research- Breast Milk Production Variability Among Mothers of Preterm Infants

    • Clinical Research- Breastfeeding Rates in the Military Are Unchanged Before and After the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • Clinical Research-Comparison of Effect of Feeding Premature Infants with Either Cup, Bottle, and Syringe on Transition to Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Success, Weight Gain, and Duration of Hospitalization

    • Clinical Research- Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Breast Milk

    • Clinical Research-The Secretory IgA Response in Human Milk Against the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Is Highly Durable and Neutralizing for At Least 1 Year of Lactation Postinfection

    • Clinical Research- Sustained and Boosted Antibody Responses in Breast Milk After Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination

    • Brief Report -Understanding of Lactational Amenorrhea As a Contraceptive Method Among U.S. Pregnant Women

    • Case Report - Monoclonal Antibody Therapy of Breastfeeding Patient Infected with SARS-CoV-2: A Case Report

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    • Editorial -Impact of Formula Shortage on Breastfeeding Rates

    • LactMed® Update - Hereditary Angioedema and Wilson's Disease During Breastfeeding

    • Review Articles -Effect of Breast Milk on the Frequency of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Very Low Birth Weight Premature Infants: A Meta-analysis

    • Review Articles-Breastfeeding and Hormonal Contraception: A Scoping Review of Clinical Guidelines, Professional Association Recommendations, and the Literature

    • Review- the Association of Different Proportions of Human Milk of the Total Enteral Intake on Health Outcomes in Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review

    • Clinical Research -Sleeping Like a Baby: An Investigation of Bed-Sharing, Co-Sleeping, and Breastfeeding Among Pregnant Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • Clinical Research- The Impact of Excessive Weight on Breastfeeding Intention, Initiation, and Duration

    • Clinical Research- Analyzing the Effect of the 2022 Formula Shortage on Postpartum Parents' Feeding Decisions in an Urban Hospital Setting

    • clinical Research-Variation in Hospital Practices Regarding Marijuana Use in Pregnancy and Lactation

    • President's Corner - NABBLM: Coming Soon! The First Board Exam for Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine Doctors!

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    OTTOBRE 2023- VOLUME 18

    • EDITORIALE -Perinatal Cannabis Exposure, Via Placenta or Breast Milk

    • ABM PROTOCOL N 21: Breastfeeding in the Setting of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder (Revised 2023)

    • LactMed® Update- New Hormonal Contraceptive Agents during Lactation

    • Review -Examining the Role of Women, Infant, and Children in Black Women Breastfeeding Duration and Exclusivity: A Systematic Review

    • Clinical Research - Factors Associated with In-Hospital Exclusive Breastfeeding Among a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Patient Population

    • CLINICAL RESEARCH-Breastfeeding and Antepartum Breast Milk Expression (BABE): A Randomized Control Trial Utilizing an Electric Breast Pump and its Effect on Postpartum Breastfeeding

    • clinical research- What is Known About Cow's Milk Protein Allergy in Preterm Infants?

    • CLINICAL RESEARCH- Comparative Effectiveness of Olive Oil and Breast Milk on Nipple Soreness in Breastfeeding Mothers

    • Basic Research - Validating Tools to Detect and Inactivate Monkeypox Virus in Human Milk

    • Brief Reports - Research on Black Women and Breastfeeding: Assessing Publication Trends (1980–2020)

    • BRIEF REPORT- The Association of Nutrition and Exercise Behaviors of Women with Diabetes in Pregnancy with Infant Breastfeeding Practices

    • Correspondence - Re: “Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex: Report of Two Cases and Postulated Mechanisms and Treatment” by Liu et al.

    • CORRISPONDENCE-Response to Helse and Wiessinger re: “Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex: Report of Two Cases and Postulated Mechanisms and Treatment”

    • President's Column - A Look Back with Gratitude

    • Abstracts -The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine 28th Annual International Meeting Chicago, Illinois November 9–12, 2023

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    NOVEMBRE 2023- VOLUME 18

    • Reviews - Breastfeeding Disparities Among Rural Breastfeeding Dyads in High-Income Countries: A Scoping Study

    • review-The Effects of Mindfulness on Lactation: An Integrative Review

    • Clinical Research- The Interaction of Early Exclusive Mother's Milk Feeding and Ethnic Background with Ultimate Feeding Outcomes After Very Preterm Birth

    • clinical research-Comparison of Breastfeeding Practices in Mothers With Chronic Kidney Disease With or Without Kidney Transplantation

    • clinical research-Perinatal Smoking and E-cigarette Use and Their Relationship with Breastfeeding: PRAMS 2015–2020

    • clinical research- A Quality Improvement Initiative to Increase the Milk Donation to the Human Milk Bank Post-Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic

    • clinical research-Comparison of Breastfeeding and Pumping Experiences of Milk Bank Donors in the United States and United Kingdom

    • Clinical research-Therapeutic Ultrasound Alone and Associated with Lymphatic Drainage in Women with Breast Engorgement: A Clinical Trial

    • Case Report - Experience of Induced Lactation in a Transgender Woman: Analysis of Human Milk and a Suggested Protocol

    • President's Column - Breastfeeding Needs the Support of a Global Physician Community

    • Correction Open Access Correction to: Ankyloglossia in Monochorionic Diamniotic and Dichorionic Diamniotic Twins: A Cross-Sectional Study, by Feitosa, et al. Breastfeed Med 2023;18(7):528–533; doi: 10.1089/bfm.2022.0239

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    DICEMBRE 2023- VOLUME 18

    • Editorial-The Challenges and Opportunities of Providing Donor Breast Milk

    • Review -Microbiological Screening of Donor Human Milk

    • Clinical Research-The Role of Breast Milk Neurotrophin Levels in Infantile Colic Pathogenesis: A Cross-Sectional Case-Control Study

    • Clinical Research- Factors Affecting Breastfeeding in Births Given During the Day and at Night; A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study

    • Clinical research- Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Breastfeeding by Family Vulnerability: An Observational Study Based on Record Linkage

    • Clinical research-Successes of a Focused Mothers' Own Milk (MOM) Program in Counteracting Unintended Effects of a Donor Milk Program on MOM Rates at Discharge

    • Clinical researchPreterm Delivery in Obese Mothers Predicts Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Levels in Breast Milk

    • Clinical Research- The Persistence of Specific Immunoglobulin A Against SARS-CoV-2 in Human Milk After Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination

    • clinical research- Rapid Versus Slow Cooling Pasteurization of Donor Breast Milk: Does the Cooling Rate Effect Melatonin Reduction?

    • Brief Report- Qualitative Assessment of Perioperative Lactation Patient Education: “I Think It's Something Women Navigate on Their Own”

    • Correspondence -Re: “Validating Tools to Detect and Inactivate Monkeypox Virus in Human Milk” by Clark et al.

    • corrispondence- Daungsupawong and Wiwanitkitre: “Validating Tools to Detect and Inactivate Monkeypox Virus in Human Milk”

    • Response to Daungsupawong and Wiwanitkitre: “Validating Tools to Detect and Inactivate Monkeypox Virus in Human Milk”